Friday, February 11, 2022

Format change . . . yes again . . . shut-up.

 I know, I made this threat before. A big change, and a bunch of new posts. Well, this time I mean it. There will be most posts coming in the future, and it is basically going to happen because of my change in formats. 

One of the biggest issues I always had was how to attack a review exactly. Does one talk about the songs? Talk about the influences and who the band sounds like? Should I take the time to address every single song? How about the musicianship? Do I pay the most attention to the playing, the writing, the A&R department and if their creation and/or suggestions are really working for the band?

I finally decided the answer is both "yes" and "no." But not for every record.  

From now on, all I am going to do is write about whatever I feel like writing about. Some records will make me want to write about them, and what I write about is basically going to be stream of consciousness type of stuff. Somedays I will be technical, other times I am just going to sit and reminisce about the days of yore. Other times I will analyze every single song, other times I might not mention a single song title. I might also spend the whole time going on and on about the individual musicians.

Who knows? I sure don't.

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Marillion - An Hour Before It's Dark, no review yet

So, I did say that most of the new reviews are going to be stream of consciousness as I listen, and that is mostly true. But, there have to ...