Friday, February 11, 2022

Dead Kennedys - In God We Trust, Inc. (1981)


I'll be honest, I didn't listen to this one much back in the day. I had the cassette, and it was the least listened to of the Kennedys material. I did have them all, but this one just never clicked for me. 

To be fair, it is probably the most "punk" and "hardcore" of them all. Pretty much a full speed ahead assault on the senses. But, it lacks the hooks of the rest of their material. For me it does, at least. 

I also have to say, this one really is a great example of what I was talking about in the Frankenchrist post, in regards to the sound quality. Granted, I am spinning a very old pressing of the record, and it has been loved, but it is still without a doubt a rough recording. Purchasing this on a 2000 gram, limited edition slab of wax that was overseen by Jello himself is kind of pointless. A remix might be an interesting concept, but it would also ruin the charm of the album. Obviously made for nothing, and it benefits from that in regards to what this stuff is supposed to be. 

You know, when I think about it, that is kind of the problem with a lot of punk these days. Or, with what passes for punk to the masses. It is too produced, too polished. It lacks the heart of the immediacy of something like this. This is really what punk was supposed to be about. 

Dammit. I think I talked myself into liking this one a whole lot more all of a sudden. I'm going to start it over again. I'll be back. 

Yeah, it might be my favorite of theirs after this listen. This is why I fell in love with Punk back around 1983 - 1984. 

Thanks to Colleen for the tunes. 

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