Thursday, January 28, 2021

New blog name, an explanation

If you are reading this page, and have found your way here from the old name, you might be wondering what is up with the new name. Well, here is the explanation.

Recently, while bouncing around the internet, I found that the name "The Vinyl Score" is the name of a You Tube show. A "Vlog," I guess. This channel had a pretty good number of shows, and the name "Vinyl Score" actually works better for them. Not only are they discussing the vinyl that they "scored" (purchased), but the show is also all about soundtracks! In other words, movie "scores"! So, their use of the name was much better than my use of the name. 

So, it only made sense that I changed the name. 

I bounced around numerous ideas, and finally settled on "The Vinyl Ruins," which is using my old magazine title (Sonic Ruin) and the obvious vinyl use. Whereas one of the other names I wanted to use I do prefer, but it too was being used somewhere (I couldn't change the address of the site to it), so, this is what I am using. 

So, I have probably lost some people in the switch (much to my amazement I do seem to have some people that stop by and read! 86 or so last month . . . with no updates in a year or so!!!).

This site will start being updated again. I let it slide while I finished my masters program, and while I have other family issues at play. The masters is done, the family issues are not. But, I am deciding I do need this outlet. My reviews will not be as crazily in-depth, but they will be more frequent. 

Oh, I had also started to write for a website. But, I am guessing they did not like how long I take to write at times, and have decided to go a different direction. I have not heard from them for a few months now, so I can only guess I was "let go." 


  1. Looking forward to following along! Hope you and the family are doing well.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Wondeful!!! A comment!!! Thank you so much. Not sure who this is, but thank you! The fam is doing well, thank you!


Marillion - An Hour Before It's Dark, no review yet

So, I did say that most of the new reviews are going to be stream of consciousness as I listen, and that is mostly true. But, there have to ...