Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas and check this out!

Just a quick post to wish folks a merry Christmas! The past month saw a pretty big rise in readers. The Demons article has over 1200 reads on it, which shocked me. So thank you to whoever you are that is taking the time to read this blog. Even my print 'zine (Sonic Ruin) never saw anywhere near those numbers. Even the other articles, averaging around 100 reads, are more than my 'zine ever saw.

Christmas was fairly light this year. I will be following Marillion for three shows in February, so that was pretty much my gift. My mom, on her way to my house, stopped by the previously reviewed Rochester Records and grabbed me Sweet's Level Headed. In a quick review of the store, Mom conformed that the owner was incredibly nice. Still lacking a full alphabetized store, but oh well.

Some of these reads are possibly coming from the Shabby Road Record Show. Shabby is one of my favorite podcasts. For music it is easily the best. A.D. Adams and Ryan McKay are incredibly fun to listen to and their friendship is infectious. If you scroll through this site and listen to their show you will see notice similarities. They have been instrumental in my finding vinyl and finding great bands.

I recently dropped a link to my blog on their Facebook page in response to a post. Ryan then read the blog and decided to recommend the blog to their readers. So, with that being said, I am going to run wild with his saying this is a "Shabby Road Approved Blog"!!! Yes, I will be creating a meme that says that and I will be plastering it all over this blog. When I site you love throws a little love your way it kind of causes a rush of excitement. This was an early Christmas present without a doubt.

If you are unfamiliar with the Shabby Road, do yourself a HUGE favor and stop by and check out the most recent episode. Part of the beauty of the show is that you can listen to any one of them and know if it is your thing, as they have been consistent in high quality from day one. But if I were to recommend any episode, I would have to say track down any of the ones that had Mikey Bones (RIP) on them. That man was a gem.

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Marillion - An Hour Before It's Dark, no review yet

So, I did say that most of the new reviews are going to be stream of consciousness as I listen, and that is mostly true. But, there have to ...