Sunday, November 26, 2017

Record Shop Report - Catapult Records and Toys

Catapult Records and Toys
Location: 40J West Terra Cotta Ave., Crystal Lake IL, 60014
Facebook presence: Yes
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 12:00 - 7:00, Sat. - Sun. 12:00 - 5:00

***UPDATE: Catapult Records recently has closed their doors for good. This is a huge shame as he was one of the few who priced records to actually move records.***

What is on offer: Anything from your childhood that you may have once had a strong emotional connection to and would love to have back in your life again. That would be mostly toys, records, books, and other things of the sort.

Prices: Possibly one of the most fair shops you will walk into. You can easily walk into the store with $10 and leave with a few items. There are a few items priced to reflect the low to mid-price on Discogs, but for the most part the prices are where they were before the vinyl explosion.

So, honestly, how is the place? At this point in time Catapult is not aimed at the vinyl collector only. The stores main purpose is toys and collectibles, vinyl just happens to be a part of that. However, as time is rolling by it seems that the owner is realizing vinyl will be a major part of his future. A few months ago the store changed its name from Catapult Collectibles to Catapult Records and Toys. The store also saw an upgrade in the bins that hold the records.

With all that being said, Catapult is the type of store one will walk into not expecting the world, but will leave very happy. I've been there a handful of times and have had "Holy crap!" moments each time. These moments have been for either being surprised by the merchandise on offer, or just because of the prices. It was at this store I bought a copy of Slade's In Flame, the UK release, and only paid $6 for it, which is a fine price. Especially considering the dang thing is in mint condition.

This brings us to the other fine side about Catapult. Either the people that bring him their records are very careful with their records, or he is one of the buyers who will only take stuff in good condition.

What did I leave with? This was a crazy little stop. It started out as a case of my grabbing one record just to help by buying something (Jo Jo Gunne). But then I saw a mint condition of a record I have in my collection, but this was a mint copy, so it was a must have (Starcastle). Then I decided "what the heck" on a dollar record (Ambrosia). So I had a few on me at the time of check out.

When I got to the counter the owner told me he had another Starcastle in a box that had come in, so he showed it to me. Now, that one I had a better copy of already. But then he told me to go ahead and dig through the box and see if there was anything that interested me in the box. Now, what kind of person would I be to turn away from such an offer? Possibly a good parent, since my son was sitting in the car waiting for me and he would later claim to have been freezing. But, sometimes records win out over my parenting skills. So a digging I went! But lets be honest, he is 14, he could have walked into the store if he was that cold.

Digging through that box was a golden moment for yours truly. As I flipped those covers I came across two bands that drew my attention. One was a band called Teaze and the other Teazer. Yes, two separate bands, both very similar names. I grabbed the Teaze album as everything about it matched my collecting. Obscure 70s Glam act. The price was right, $3.00, so I grabbed it and added it to my pile.

After I left I did a quick research on the Teazer album. As it turns out that thing is quite a tough one to find, and it is worth a decent amount. So, I went back to see what the asking price would be. The owner of Catapult told me it was also $3. I told him it was worth considerable more than that and told him I would give him $10 at that time. He said "no, I said $3.00, so that is what I will charge you."

Starcastle - Citadel $5.00
Jo Jo Gunne - Bite Down Hard $4.00
Teaze - On the Loose $3.00
Teazer - Hard as a Rock $3.00
Ambrosia - Somewhere I've Never Traveled $1.00

There you have Catapult in a nutshell. The store has some great stuff, and the harder to find stuff will wander through. For the most part you will mostly find the usual suspects, but the rare oddity is hiding in there. To make it better, the owner is a straight-up guy who is out to make a living, but not get rich off of people. I can't say it is a destination record shop (yet), but if it is in your area it is definitely a shop you need to frequent. If you are on the road doing record runs, it is also one that should be on your list of stops. Heck, you might also find a killer action figure to add to your shelves!

Photo of Catapult store front taken by Zach Isonhart while he was outside the store freezing.

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